Iraq Toll

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April has been the mist deadly month for U.S. troops since September.

Those who died in Iraq in recent weeks and went unreported:
Sgt Michael Lilly  23  Boise ID
Sgt Jeremiah McNeal  23  Norfolk VA
Cap Ulises Burgos Cruz  29  Puerto Rico
Spc Matthew Morris  23  Cedar Park TX
Pvt Shane Penley  19  Sauk Village IL
Col Stephen Scott  54  New Market AL
Maj Stuart Wolfer  36  Colorado Springs FL
Sgt Emanuel Pickett  34  Teachey NC
Spc Jason Kazarick  30  Oakmont PA
Maj Mark Rosenberg  32  Miami Lakes FL
Sgt Jeffrey Hartley  25  Hempstead TX
Sgt Richard Vaughn  22  San Diego CA
Spc Jeremiah Hughes  26  Jacksonville FL
Sgt Timothy Smith  25  So Lake Tahoe CA
Sgt Anthony Capra  31  Hanford CA
Sgt Shaun Tousha  30  Hull TX
Cpl Dean Opicka  29  Waukesha WI
Air Adrian Campos  22  El Paso TX
Cpl Jordan Haerter  19  Sag Harbor NY
PO Cherie Morton  40  Bakersfield CA
Ltn Matthew Vandergrift  28  Littleton CO
Pvt Ronald Harrison  25  Morris Plains NJ
Spc Stephen Christofferson  20  Cudahy WI
Sgt Adam Kohlhaas  26  Perryville MO
Sgt Guadalupe Ramirez  26  Mohave Valley AZ
Cpl Jonathan Yale  21  Burkeville VA
Ltn Timothy Cunningham  26  College Station TX
Pvt John Bishop  22  Gaylord MI
Sgt Ronald Blystone  34  Springfield MO
Sgt Shaun Whitehead  24  Commerce GA
426 Iraqi sisters and brothers were killed.
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  • Betty C. Dudney

    Tell your state and national representatives to require flex-fuel on all cars sold and/or cap the oil prices, profits, or lose the economic war to Saudi Arabia and the oil cartel.

    Did you know 16 of the 9/11 terrorist came from Saudi Arabia?

    Call U.S. Government information phone number for your representative:

  • Valerie Nixon

    At your suggestion, I called Congressman Eric Cantor-7th District Virginia ,to oppose this approximately 163 billion additional funding for Iraq..I said to stop this funding by supporting HR 5507, and bring our people home.
    The friendly response was, simply, the message would be relayed.
    I never receive any written, or otherwise, supportive comments from this office.

  • m. edmund howse

    I called the office of Mr. Mc Caul to ask his support of the call for troop withdrawl from Iraq. I was told the message would be delivered but the only response I ever get from my Texas reps is thank you for your support. They never address the issue I suggest to them.
    Hopefully this time it will be different but then that is a supposed sign of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result!!!!

  • Jason C

    I called my congressman and asked them to stop funding this war. It was easy and took 2 minutes of my time! Call make a difference. Ask them to sign on to HR 5507. Stop sending money to Iraq!!!

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